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Scholarships In London: The Best Of The Best

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London is one of the most eminent cities in the world for many reasons. It is home to some of the most exciting nightlife, beautiful architecture, and historic sites. If you are studying in London, this city is veritable heaven on earth.

But why should you study in London? The answer is that there are countless benefits associated with higher education in the UK. A great city like London will always have a lot of opportunities for students who want to make the most of those opportunities too. The horizon shows some of the most iconic educational institutions – and they all come together in one place when you study at one of them.

Here is our list of 10 great scholarships in London that can help international students pay for their studies!

International Excellence Scholarship – Brunel University London

Brunel University London is a public institution in Uxbridge and got established in 1966. It is a reputable and well-known British university with many courses open to international and local students. This institution has lots of programs. In addition to being one of the best and most established research universities, it is one of the most renowned and well-established educational institutions in the United Kingdom. They offer a range of courses to local and international students. The International Excellence Scholarship is one of the London scholarships open to international students based on academic performance. Every year, they give out 60 scholarships for this program, which covers the cost of your tuition for the first year of your studies. You must apply by the deadline indicated to start your scholarship application process.

Ravensbourne University London – Undergraduate International Scholarship

Ravensbourne University London is home to artists and fashion designers worldwide. With various undergraduate and graduate degrees concentrating on digital film, fashion, and many other multimedia-related programs, it is a place where talents are best appreciated. 

Ravensbourne University honours itself for successfully training the youth from all over the globe and teaching them the skills they need to make their mark in the world. If you are an international undergraduate student, they will offer a tuition-free discount for your first year of studies. Also, the applicants must give full-time to their studies in their respective programs. It is best to apply as soon as possible as first-comers are the ones served first here. Begin your application for scholarships in London by filling up the registration form

International Academic Excellence Award at Coventry University London

With over ten years of academic excellence, Coventry University provides undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in business. They give great educational opportunities and scholarships to international students. 

Since the creation of the International Academic Excellence Award, hundreds of students all around the globe have travelled to London and made their dreams a reality. Also, there is no need to send an application for this award. You shall be eligible as long as you are a full-time student and have commendable academic skills. It is a platform that recognizes intellectual power and helps students make an impact.

To meet the demands of the Coventry University Scholarship, you must have seventy per cent or equivalent in academic qualification. Also, the applicant must be a recipient of no other scholarship. Check out the Coventry University site and see if you are eligible for the award.

Birbeck International Excellence Scholarship

The Birbeck International Excellence Scholarship got established to support international students at Birbeck, University of London.

The scholarship is worth £5,000 and is available to students from any country applying for an undergraduate or postgraduate course at Birbeck.

To be eligible for the scholarship, applicants must demonstrate excellent academic achievement and potential. They must also show that they are self-funded and have the financial means to support themselves during their studies.

If you are an international student who meets these criteria, we encourage you to apply for the Birbeck International Excellence Scholarship.

President’s PhD. Scholarships

The President’s PhD. Scholarships are for outstanding students planning to pursue a doctoral degree at an accredited institution of higher education. These scholarships are made possible through the generous support of graduates and friends.

Since its initiation in 2001, the President’s PhD. The scholarship program has awarded over $1 million in scholarships to more than 500 students. These scholarships have helped attract and retain some of the brightest minds from around the world to our campus.

Do you want to submit an application for a President’s PhD? For a scholarship? Please visit the Office of Student Financial Aid website for more information.

University College London (UCL) Global Undergraduate Scholarship

UCL is committed to attracting the brightest students from all backgrounds. The UCL Global Undergraduate Scholarship is for high-achieving students who demonstrate financial need and plan to study for an undergraduate degree at UCL.

The scholarship is worth £20,000, which will be split evenly between academic years. It will cover the cost of tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses.

 To be eligible, students must: 

  • Be an international student (defined as someone who is not a national of the UK, EU, or EEA)
  • Hold an offer to study for an undergraduate degree at UCL
  • Demonstrate financial need

 Sponsors award this scholarship on a rolling basis. That is why students are encouraged to apply early. For more info, please check out the UCL website.

International Students House and London Met Postgraduate Scholarship

The International Students House (ISH) and London Metropolitan University (London Met) are delighted to offer a jointly-funded scholarship for postgraduate students at London Met.

The scholarship will provide complete tuition fees for one academic year and a maintenance grant of £5,000. This scholarship is for students studying a postgraduate course at London Met and meeting their criteria for the award.

If you are an international student studying at London Met and want to get this scholarship, go through the eligibility criteria and apply now!

We eagerly await your application!

International Ambassador Scholarship at the University of West London

The University of West London is a public institute with two separate campuses. Thirteen buildings hold classrooms, auditoriums, lecture halls, and administrative offices inside the main campus. The main focus is business and law studies, but engineering, arts, and media courses are also available. 

More than twenty thousand students from over a hundred countries travel to the United Kingdom to pursue higher education through this expense-paid program. 

Are you a full-time student currently studying for an undergraduate and postgraduate degree? Then this finance opportunity is perfect for you. 

If your application is accepted, demonstrate exceptional presentation skills and get a chance to take part in videos, interviews, and photo shoots with the marketing team.

International Scholarships at the University of East London

The University of East London provides you with a wide range of programs. It has exceptional teachers, along with an international outlook. Moreover, the University of East London is part of the ACU (Association of Commonwealth Universities).

At the University of East London, scholarships are available for undergraduate, Master and PhD degrees. It is worth £1000 and £3000 and given for the first year of an applicant’s education. It can be renewed owing to academic performance. 

The applicants must submit a motivational letter along with their online form. 

Uni Starter Kit at Middlesex University

Middlesex University got established in 1966 in London and achieved university status a year later. The university encompasses a business school, a school of art and design, and a school of education. 

The campuses of Middlesex University are in Waltham Forest and London. By enrollment, it is one of the top universities that you’ll find in the United Kingdom. The student body comprises 25,000 students, among which over 8,500 are international students. 

Students from around 150 nations are currently studying at Middlesex University. Middlesex University grants scholarships to local and international students worth £500. It also provides starter kits like Airpods, iPads, and paid gym membership. Then students choose between Fitness, Tech, and well-being. 

Top Ten Tips to Succeed in Getting a Scholarship in the UK

Thousands of students all over the globe await financial aid to complete their studies. Many count on it for attaining international education. A scholarship assists students financially and provides them with a chance to enjoy student life.

Today, dozens of scholarships are out there for you. All you have to do is choose the most suitable one for yourself. Despite the competition, you do not have to show that you have exceptional achievements. Hence, what can you do to ensure getting accepted for the scholarship you want? 

Here are some tips that can help you in securing the perfect scholarship:

1.Get accepted into the course, then apply for a scholarship.

While this might seem absurd, you can pay your travel expenditure and tuition fee without a scholarship. In case of achieving a grant, you must give back your loan. Otherwise, spend the extra money as you will.

2.  A scholarship might not always cover all expenses

Let’s face the facts, nothing in this world is absolutely free. Scholarships might cover sixty, seventy, fifty or twenty per cent, based on the criteria. 

However, if you get accepted into a full scholarship, you still have to pay for food, travel, books, health insurance and fun. 

3. Search for scholarships beyond your institute

A list of scholarships is available on numerous websites. Among them are scholarships funded by private foundations like the Fulbright Scholarship. Or your resident country like the Department of Education. Or maybe the government personnel of the host country as the British Council. Read the instructions carefully and ensure your eligibility, for some have restrictions based on nationality, age or course.

4. Apply for multiple scholarships rather than one

It will take time. Yet it is for free! So open your laptop and enlist all scholarships that are right for you. Then check your documents, recheck them and begin applying. You could also get someone to go through your supporting letter. Remember, a different perspective always makes things better.

5. Have confidence in yourself

With confidence, you win even before starting! So do not hold back. Write down all your significant achievements, whether related to academics or community work, that you have gotten through past career experiences. Jot them down in your essay or letter, and make them stand out from the rest.

6. Stay away from scams

 A ‘guaranteed scholarship’ is fake. If it asks for an application fee, be sure to avoid it. Since a lot of tricky scholarship offers take your money and vanish into thin air. So stay on guard!

7. Record your documents safely

While applying for a visa, your scholarship offer might come in handy. That means you might be required to show proof of your funds. 

8. Keep the deadline in sight

Go through your finances a while before you want to begin your course. Yet, once you get into it, you might have a small time frame to get accepted into a course-specific scholarship. Stay in touch with your counselor, also do not lose sight of the deadline.

9. Keep other options open for yourself as well

Remember that there is always a plan B. If the numerous scholarship applications amount to nothing, form a backup plan. You could take help through student loans or ask your friends and family for aid. Look at your company sponsorships as well. Never lose hope. If one plan fails, form another. If one door closes, find another. Do not give up.

The Bottom Line

I hope this article based on the best scholarships in London for international students was helpful. Feel free to inform us about your course of action by commenting below. For more information, check out this blog to guide and help you make the right decision!

If you want to study in the UK but cannot afford the tuition, you can apply for these scholarships. Moreover, if you wish to pursue your dreams with the perfect scholarship, but do not know where to start, read our blog. We also have other articles that help students ace scholarship interviews and get the education they deserve.

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